Coming Up!
Calvinists and Indians in the Northeast Woodlands
Thursdays, April 18 & 25, 7:00pm on Zoom Email the church office for the Zoom link! This class will explore the impact of the Dutch Reformation upon the cross-cultural relations between Native Americans and Europeans living in the Northeast Woodlands. During the early modern period (1500-1800), Dutch Reformed theologians characterized Native Americans as "blind Gentiles" to whom the Dutch were being called, by God, to present the gospel through the preaching of the gospel and the Christian conduct of colonists, which necessitated social interaction. This calling ultimately informed the instructions given to those heading to New Netherland, raised expectations among the Dutch Reformed clergy and lay chaplains who served in the colony, and prefigured the reciprocal, intimate relationships that developed between Indians and New Netherlanders. Teacher Bio: Stephen T. Staggs is an independent historian who holds a PhD and graduate certificate in Ethnohistory from Western Michigan University. His research focuses on the impact of the interactions between Indigenous, African, and European peoples in early modern Europe, colonial North America, and the Atlantic World. His recently published book, Calvinists & Indians in the Northeastern Woodlands, is available through the Amsterdam University Press and the Sherman Street library. |
The Gift of the Apostles' Creed
Sundays, April 28 & May 5, 12, 19, 9:20pm at church The words of the Apostles' Creed are spoken weekly by a countless number of churches around the world, in many languages and in many different Christian denominations. What is this ancient gift? Where did it come from? How does it support our unity? How does it connect us with the global church? How do we at Sherman St. today receive this gift? Teacher Bio: Rev. Dr. Shawn Bawulski is a pastor-theologian who loves doing theology that builds up the church. He earned his MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and his PhD in Systematic Theology from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He has served as a professor and a pastor in Europe, Asia, and North America, most recently in Beijing, China before moving to Grand Rapids in 2022. |
Previous Classes
Living into the Age of Climate Change
Sundays, 9:20am, at Sherman Street This class will explore how climate change works, what it is doing to creation, and how we can live in ways that will help moderate its impact. We will take a sober view of the challenges that lie ahead, and the hopeful beginnings of local and global responses. Teacher Bio: Dave Warners is a professor of Biology at Calvin University where he also directs the Plaster Creek Stewards initiative. His areas of focus include botany, restoration ecology, and creation care. |
Native Garden Walking Tour
3-4:30pm, Calvin University Join Dave Warners as he leads a tour of native gardens at the Calvin University campus. The tour is for middle schoolers through adults. A nature activity for children will be held at the same time, led by Jacob Bos and Isaac Bueno. Teacher Bio: Dave Warners is the Director of Plaster Creek Stewards and a Professor of Biology at Calvin University.
Caring for Creation with Plainsong Farm